In the realm of Hinduism, devotion to Lord Krishna is a timeless tradition. Among the various forms of expressing devotion, the Krishna Chalisa stands out as a cherished hymn. (See श्री कृष्ण चालीसा )
Sri Krishna Chalisa Lyrics
॥ Doha ॥
Banshi shobhit kar madhur । nil jalaj tanu shyam ॥
Arun adhar janu bimba phal । nayan kamal abhiram ॥
Puran Indu Arvind mukh । pitambar suchi saj ॥
Jai Man Mohan Madan chhavi । Krishiaachandra maharaj ॥
॥ Chopai ॥
Jai jai Yadunandan jag vandan । Jai Vasudev Devki nandan ॥1॥
Jai Yashoda sut Nandadulare । Jai prabhu bhaktan ke rakhvare ॥2॥
Jai Natanagar Nag nathaiya । Krishna Kanhaiya dhenu charaiya ॥3॥
Puni nakh par Prabhu Girivar dharo । Ao dinan-kasht nivaro ॥4॥
Banshi madhur adhar-dhari tero । Hove puran manorath mero ॥5॥
Ao Harli puni makhan chakho । Aaj laj bhaktan ki rakho ॥6॥
Gol kapol chibuk arunare । Mridu muskan mohini dare ॥7॥
Rajit Rajiv nayan vishala । Mor mukut vaijantimala ॥8॥
Kundal shravan pit pat achhe । Kati kinkini kachhani kachhe ॥9॥
Nil jalaj sundar tan sohai । Chhavi lakhi sur nar muni man mohai ॥10॥
Mastak tilak alak ghunghrale । Ao Shyam bansuriya vale ॥11॥
Kari pai pan putanahin taryo । Aka-baka kagasur maryo ॥12॥
Madhuvan jalat agin jab jvala । Bhe shital lakhatahin Nandaiala ॥13॥
Jab surpati Brij chadhyo risai । Musar dhar bari barsai ॥14॥
Lakhat lakhat Bnij chahat bahayo । Govardhan nakh dhari bachayo ॥15॥
Lakhi Yashuda man bhram adhikai । Mukh mahan chaudah bhuvan dikhai ॥16॥
Dusht Kansa ati udham machayo । Koti kamal kahan phul mangayo ॥17॥
Nathi kaiiyahin ko tum linhyo । Charan chinh dai nirbhai kinhyo ॥18॥
Kari gopin sang ras bilasa । Sab ki pur kari abhilasa ॥19॥
Aganit maha asur sanharyo । Kansahi kesh pakadi dai maryo ॥20॥
Matu pita ki bandi chhudayo । Ugrasen kahan raj dilayo ॥21॥
Him se mritak chhahon sut layo । Matu Devakl shok mitayo ॥22॥
Narkasur mur khal sanhari । Lae shatdash sahas kumari ॥23॥
Dai Bhimahin tran chiri isara । Jarasindh rakshas kahan mara ॥24॥
Asur vrikasur adik maryau । Nij bhaktan kar kasht nivaryau ॥25॥
Din Sudama ke dukh taryo । Tandul tin muthi mukh daryo ॥26॥
Duryodhan ke tyagyo meva । Kiyo Vidur ghar shak kaleva ॥27॥
Lakhi prem tuhin mahima bhari । Naumi Shyam danan hitkari ॥28॥
Bharat men parath-rath hanke । Liye chakra kar nahin bat thake ॥29॥
Nij Gita ke gyan sunaye । Bhaktan hridai sudha sarsaye ॥30॥
Mira aisi matvali । vish pi gayi bajakar tali ॥31॥
Rana bheja saap pitari । Shaligram bane banvari ॥32॥
Nij maya tum vidhihin dikhayo । Urte sanshai sakal mitayo ॥33॥
Tav shatninda kari tatkala । jivan mukt bhayo shishupala ॥34॥
Jabahin Draupadi ter lagai । Dinanath laj ab jai ॥35॥
Turatahih basan bane Nandlala । Badhay chir bhe ari munh kala ॥36॥
As anath ke nath Kanhaiya । Dubat bhanvar bachavahi naiya ॥37॥
“Sundardas” Aas ur Dharri । Daya Drishti Keejay Banwari ॥38॥
Nath sakai un kumati nivaro । chhamon vegi apradh hamaro ॥39॥
Kholo pat ab darshan dijai । Bolo Krishna Kanhaiya ki jai ॥40॥
॥ Doha ॥
Yah chalisa Krishna ka । path krai ur dhari ॥
asht siddhi nay niddhi phal । lahai padarath chari ॥
Krishna Chalisa Lyrics in PDF
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Sri Krishna Chalisa Audio-Video
Table of Contents
The Significance of Krishna Chalisa
Krishna Chalisa holds immense significance in Hinduism as it encapsulates the essence of Lord Krishna’s life, teachings, and divine attributes. Devotees recite it to deepen their connection with Krishna and seek his divine intervention in their lives.
The Structure and Verses: Deciphering the Divine Poetry
The Krishna Chalisa comprises a total of forty verses, each meticulously crafted to articulate intricate spiritual verities. These verses transcend mere linguistic constructs; they serve as conduits through which the transcendent vitality of Lord Krishna may be summoned. Several pivotal themes are expounded upon within the Krishna Chalisa:
Reverence for Lord Krishna
The Krishna Chalisa commences with verses wholly dedicated to lauding the celestial attributes of Lord Krishna. It extols His resplendency, allure, and the beguiling serenade of the flute that ensnared the affections of devotees and gopis alike.
The Supernatural Leelas (Marvels)
Lord Krishna is renowned for His supernatural leelas, denoting miraculous exploits. The Krishna Chalisa eloquently chronicles a selection of these stupefying episodes, including the elevating of Govardhan Hill and the frolicsome capers of the youthful Krishna.
Historical Background of Krishna Chalisa
The origins of Krishna Chalisa can be traced back to ancient texts and scriptures. Its roots lie in the rich traditions of devotion and bhakti, with notable contributions from saints and poets who were deeply inspired by Lord Krishna.
For centuries, the Krishna Chalisa has allowed devotees to praise Lord Krishna and meditate on his glory. Its lyrical words offer a profound pathway to finding inner divinity. Recite it often to immerse yourself in Krishna’s grace.
What is the origin of Krishna Chalisa?
Krishna Chalisa finds its roots in the devotional literature of India, with its precise origin remaining uncertain. It is believed to have been composed by Sunder Das, a revered saint and poet of the 17th century.
How is Krishna Chalisa recited?
Devotees typically recite Krishna Chalisa daily, preferably in the morning or evening. It is a common practice to sing or chant it in a melodious tone, accompanied by offerings of flowers and incense.
Can non-Hindus recite Krishna Chalisa?
Yes, the beauty of devotion transcends religious boundaries. Anyone with a genuine heart can recite Krishna Chalisa to connect with Lord Krishna spiritually.
Are there any specific benefits to reciting Krishna Chalisa?
Reciting Krishna Chalisa is believed to bestow blessings of peace, protection, and prosperity upon the devotee. It also helps in overcoming challenges and obstacles in life.
Is Krishna Chalisa suitable for people of all ages and backgrounds?
Yes, Krishna Chalisa is inclusive and can be recited by people of all ages and backgrounds who wish to connect with Lord Krishna.